
On 29/08/2012 at Hanover, Germany



INTRODUCTION 09:00 h – 09:45 h

Work, age and health

Keynote-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Hans Martin Hasselhorn (Federal Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, BAuA, Berlin) slides


1st SESSION 09:45 h – 11:15 h

Work and health of the baby-boomer-generation


Chair: Prof. Dr. Frank van Dijk, PHD (Coronel Institute for Occupational Health, Amsterdam)


Keynote-Lecture: Prof. Annet H. de Lange, PhD (Radboud University, Nijmegen) slides


Oral presentation: Silke Tophoven, M.A. (Germany, lidA)

(The German Baby Boomers and Higher Working Age - Employment Careers and their Effect on Statutory Pension Entitlements in the Middle of the Working Life) slides


Oral presentation: Dr. Jean-Baptist du Prel, MPH (Germany, lidA)

(Is work stress a mediator between education and depression? First results from the lidA-study) slides



2nd SESSION 11:30 h – 12:30 h

Gender, health and work


Chair: Prof. Dr. Töres Theorell (Stress Research Institute, University of Stockholm)


Keynote-Lecture: Prof. Dr. Nico Dragano (University of Essen-Duisburg) slides


Oral presentation: Hermann Burr, PHD (Germany, DWECS)

(Do working conditions interact with age as risk factors for 5-year incidence of poor general health?) slides



3rd SESSION 13:30 h – 15:30 h

Transition to retirement


Chair: Dr. Tage S. Kristensen (Task-Consult, Gilleleje)


Keynote-Lecture: Prof. Hugo Westerlund, PHD (SLOSH-Study, University of Stockholm) slides


Oral presentation: Dr. Morten Wahrendorf (Germany, GAZEL)

(Long-term effects of psychosocial work stress in mid-life on health functioning after labor market exit - results from the GAZEL-study) slides


Oral presentation: MSc. Kerstin G. Reeuwijk (The Netherlands, STREAM)

(Qualitative study on early retirement among Dutch employees) slides


Oral presentation: MSc. Astrid de Wind (The Netherlands, STREAM)

(Pathways via which health influences early retirement: A qualitative study) slides



PANEL DISCUSSION 15:45 h – 16:45 h

Cohort studies investigating work, age and health – are we on the right track?


Chair: Prof. Richard Peter, PhD (Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Ulm Universtity)




The flyer of the lidA-Symposium 2012 is here!


The ABSTRACT-AND-POSTER-BOOK of the lidA-Symposium 2012 is here!



