lidA Study

The future working life will be characterised by further developments in the work environment, such as changes in demands, i.a. flexibility and mobility as well as a changing composition of the workforce with regard to demographics and qualifications of employees. The lidA cohort study is a German longitudinal study with the aim of investigating occupational, individual and socioeconomic factors for the health of ageing employees and labour market transitions.


The lidA investigators combine several research traditions to allow interdisciplinary analyses for the research questions: the effects of work on health, work ability and motivation for labour force participation. A sequential cohort design with two age cohorts, born in 1959 and 1965 respectively, followed over at least six years with intervals of 3 years will allow the identification of age, time and generation effects. A random sample of 6.600 employees in 222 regional sample points allows representativity in these age groups for the working population.


A special feature of the lidA study is the combination of several data sources: Interview data (computer-assisted personal interview), e.g. on work characteristics and individual factors will be combined with Register data (claims data of statutory health insurance funds and administrative data of the German Federal Employment Agency - BA) to provide an integrated set of individual data as well as an aggregated data set for a work-health matrix.



The flyer of the lidA-Symposium 2012 is here!



